Tips for PILI Law Student Interns



The following tips were compiled by agency supervisors and former Interns to help you make the most of this valuable experience.



  1. Ask for If you’re not sure how to do an assignment, don’t be afraid to ask for additional resources. One good way to ask for help includes asking for an example or template of a given assignment or asking for recommendations of people to speak with who have worked on similar projects.


  1. Ask for Meet regularly with your supervisor(s) to ensure that both of your expectations are being met. This is a good way for you to get feedback on your performance and helps to keep you on track with current and future assignments.


  1. Take Look for opportunities to further your education. If there is a project that interests you, ask your supervisor if you can help out.


  1. Learn from your co-workers. Ask them about their own How did they get into the field? What do they like about it? What do they find challenging?


  1. Ask to attend meetings and You may be able learn from and meet people from the legal community you may not otherwise meet.


  1. Ask for Talk to co-workers about your career plans, and let them know you’re open to advice, both now and in the future. They can be helpful by sharing job leads, recommending you for a job, and suggesting various volunteer/pro bono opportunities.


  1. Build your portfolio. Ask your supervisor if you can keep writing samples you have written, and any other type of work that may embody skills you may want to represent in the future


  1. Keep in Consciously pick out one or two people you especially connected with and plan to maintain ties. Ask them to coffee or lunch, attend events hosted by their Agency, engage in pro bono work with them and send occasional emails with useful information. They may end up being very valuable to your career.

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