
Tips for PILI Law Student Interns



The following tips were compiled by agency supervisors and former Interns to help you make the most of this valuable experience.



  1. Ask for If you’re not sure how to do an assignment, don’t be afraid to ask for additional resources. One good way to ask for help includes asking for an example or template of a given assignment or asking for recommendations of people to speak with who have worked on similar projects.


  1. Ask for Meet regularly with your supervisor(s) to ensure that both of your expectations are being met. This is a good way for you to get feedback on your performance and helps to keep you on track with current and future assignments.


  1. Take Look for opportunities to further your education. If there is a project that interests you, ask your supervisor if you can help out.


  1. Learn from your co-workers. Ask them about their own How did they get into the field? What do they like about it? What do they find challenging?


  1. Ask to attend meetings and You may be able learn from and meet people from the legal community you may not otherwise meet.


  1. Ask for Talk to co-workers about your career plans, and let them know you’re open to advice, both now and in the future. They can be helpful by sharing job leads, recommending you for a job, and suggesting various volunteer/pro bono opportunities.


  1. Build your portfolio. Ask your supervisor if you can keep writing samples you have written, and any other type of work that may embody skills you may want to represent in the future


  1. Keep in Consciously pick out one or two people you especially connected with and plan to maintain ties. Ask them to coffee or lunch, attend events hosted by their Agency, engage in pro bono work with them and send occasional emails with useful information. They may end up being very valuable to your career.

Divorce Intake Form

Client Data:


  1. Full legal name: Maiden name:
  2. Street Address (City, State, Zip):
  3. Home Phone:                                                                         Work Phone:
  4. Email Address:
  5. Social Security Number:
  6. Age: DOB:                                           POB:
  7. Education:
  8. Date of Marriage: Type of Ceremony:
  9. City and State of Marriage:
  10. Date Separated:
  11. Have Parties Cohabited Since:
  12. Immediately preceding today’s date, how long has the client lived continuously in NYS?
  13. Previous Marriage:
    1. If yes, how many times:
    2. If yes, how terminated:


Spouse Data:


  1. Full legal name: Maiden name:
  2. Street Address (City, State, Zip):
  3. Social Security Number:
  4. Age: DOB:                                           POB:
  5. Education:
  6. Military Service:
  7. Previous Marriage:
    1. If yes, how many times:
    2. If yes, how terminated:
  8. Has spouse lived in NYS for past 12 months:
  9. Ethnicity:
  10. Do you or your spouse have private health insurance? If so which party has insurance? And who covers who?


Children Information:


  1. Children of the marriage (Give full legal name and date of birth):
  2. Who has Custody:
  3. Have the Children lived at any other address in the past five years?
    1. If yes, where and with whom (provide present addresses for persons listed):
  4. Are the children covered by health insurance:
    1. If yes, under what plan:
  5. Are there Orders of Custody and/or Support (please provide copies)? If not do you have Mutual affidavits waiving custody and/or support (again, please provide)?
  6. If receiving support, is support being paid through the Support Collection Unit at the Department of Social Services?
  7. Has there been any spousal or child abuse:
    1. If yes, is there an existing order of protection?
      1. If yes, please provide copies.


Divorce File Preparation

Phase I:


  1. Attorney Certification of Poor Person Status
  2. Index Number Application
  3. Summons with Notice
  4. Verified Complaint (include C/S)
  5. Sworn Statement of Removal of Barriers to Remarriage
  6. Notice of Automatic Order
  7. Notice of Guideline Maintenance for Uncontested Divorces


Affidavit of Service and Affidavit of Defendant go in between Phase I and II (staple and include self-addressed, stamped envelopes).


Phase II:


  1. Affidavit of Regularity
  2. Affidavit of Plaintiff (include C/S, STEUBEN ONLY)
  3. Notice of Issue
  4. Part 130 Certification
  5. Request for Judicial Intervention (attach the RJI Addendum if there are orders of custody and support) – staple
  6. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (include C/S, STEUBEN ONLY)staple
  7. Judgment of Divorce – staple
  8. Post Card (STEUBEN ONLY) include sase
  9. Certificate of Dissolution
  10. USC-111 Form (MUST be included for STEUBEN cases/ Allegany only for child custody/support cases) – staple















How to E-File

Requirements for E-Filing

  • The site recommends Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer
  • Adobe Reader or equivalent to view PDFs.
  • All e-filed documents must conform to PDF/A specifications. The computers at Cornell should have Adobe Acrobat, and you can use them to convert your documents into PDF/As. MAKE SURE THAT ALL YOUR PDFS CONVERTED FROM WORD ARE TEXT SEARCHABLE!
  • All e-filed documents must have one-inch margins at the top, bottom, right and left sides. Writing on one side only, and double-spaced. The top margin is particularly important for stamping reasons.


Instructions for E-Filing

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account.  Make sure to do this at least a day before filing because you will need to notarize a file and send it to the court and then wait for their approval of your account.  This normally takes no more than a day.
  3. Click the Supreme Court button.
  4. Log in to your account.
  5. Click “Start a New Case”
  6. Type in the attorney number to identify the attorney. (See Adviser)
  7. Select the proper court, and proper case type (for most of us this will be Tompkins County Supreme Court, and Matrimonial, uncontested)
  8. Type in the name of the plaintiff and then the defendant exactly as it appears on your Summons and Complaint
  9. Make sure the Summons and Complaint and all other documents are in a readable PDF/A format
  10. A box will appear asking if you want a Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI), click yes.
  11. Browse for your Summons and Complaint on your computer and add it to the filing (no need to include additional information or special instructions for the Summons and Complaint)
  12. Make sure the document complies with 22 NYCRR section 202.5(e), then click the appropriate box in the document security box.  If this box does not appear, make sure that any document with a ssn has a “this document contains an ssn” typed into the additional information box and, if the document contains sensitive information such as a birthdate, or bank account number, include “secure” in additional information.  (There is a help button near the top of the page that will list what information needs to be secure and which does not)
  13. Add the request for Poor Person Status document, and any other documents you may need, as an accompanying document (if special instructions are needed, then make sure to include them).  Make sure you include the “No fee authorization letter” at this point.
  14. The next page requires information that is on your RJI.  You must file an RJI if you are filing agent, which we all are. Regardless, make sure to fill out the Status of Action or Proceeding questionnaire as if you were providing the information for your RJI
  15. This page will also inquire about the nature of the judicial intervention and whether it requires a Commercial Division assignment. You can enter “no” for the Commercial Division request. It will also ask for any related cases, such as Family Court cases. Include the Case title, index number, court, judge, and relationship to the Supreme Court case
  16. Fill out information about the represented party, ie. yours, and then give the information of the defendant, including his phone number, street address, city, phone and email address if he is unrepresented
  17. After this information is provided, there will be a place for you to upload your RJI, using the “Browse” button
  18. At this point, it will request that the documents be paid for, and the fees paid for as well. Check the “no fee authorization” box. Make sure you uploaded the “No fee authorization” letter when you were uploading your documents
  19. Review the information to make sure that it is correct and, if desired, input an internal file number for the case (this is for our own reference)
  20. A screen will pop up, thanking us for filing electronically (it will also allow us to print a payment receipt, an e-filing notice, and a Confirmation Notice).  Print those documents.  The supervising attorney will also receive all email notifications from the court that you receive.
  21. The E-filing notice, and commencement papers must be served in hard copy, unless the defendant is a registered NYSCEF user, in which case, they can consent to the e-filing and can agree to accept electronic service of the initiating documents
  22. An email will be sent confirming the filing of the documents
  23. After review by the county clerk, an index number will be assigned, and we will receive said number via email
  24. From then on, further communications from the court will be sent by email, including when you are assigned a judge


Filing Further Documents

  1. Log in and click “File to Existing Case” under the “Supreme and Court of Claims” tab
  2. Enter the index or claim number and select the appropriate court
  3. Indicate whether the file is a motion or non-motion document (click the circle directly to the left of your chosen choice)


E-Filing Judgments

  1. Log in and click “File to Existing Case” under the “Supreme and Court of Claims” tab
  2. Click “Proposed Judgment to Clerk or Court” under the “Non-Motion Documents” tab
  3. Click the “Judgment Clerk Default (Proposed)” button
  4. Attach the PDF/A
  5. Add any Accompanying Documents (see above)
  6. An “Assemble Judgment Roll” screen will open, listing ALL documents in the e-docket. Make sure they are all there, and click on any document to add it to the judgment roll
  7. You may now review your filing


Reviewing the Case

  1. Log in and click “My Cases”
  2. Your case will show up
  3. Use these tabs to review your case: document list, case detail, comments, court notices.